This animal lives in the forests and steppes of Australia. It is called the dingo, or, in other words, varragal. Scientists believe that a dingo – the only animal that is not typical of this continent. Most likely, the dingo – feral dog, which brought the first settlers to Australia.
Varragal largest Shepherd is of medium size. His body is stocky, big head with a blunt snout. Erect ears rounded at the end, the legs are short and not very thick fur and painted in a pale yellowish-red color. Dingo – a sworn enemy of pets. He loves to attack the flocks of sheep, and because of this the people are with him implacable war. But Dingo, having learned from bitter experience, adapt himself perfectly to hide from people.
In their habits and lifestyle dingo is more like a fox or jackal, but not a wolf. During the day, these animals tend to hide, and at night in small packs of go hunting.
Dingo very long considered incapable of taming, but then found out that they are quite easy to domesticated and even begin to bark like a dog, whereas their wild relatives only howl and laugh at the jackal manners.
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