Warsaw – Poland’s official capital, the largest city of the country, has for many centuries, occupies a dominant position on its political and cultural arena. Once one of the most beautiful cities in Eastern Europe, Warsaw has been disastrously badly damaged during the occupation by Hitler’s troops. Despite the fact that many medieval monuments and buildings of Warsaw were rebuilt much of the city rebuilt in a modern style. Mirrored skyscrapers, the bustling streets and neighborhoods in stark contrast to the quiet streets and houses of Old Town a low.
General Description of the city
City of Warsaw was built on the river Vistula, which determined its rapid economic development. The first mention of Warsaw can be found in the XIV century, namely, in the manuscripts dating from 1321 and 1342 years. Warsaw, Poland began in 1596, and today is the largest city in the country in terms of population and area. Administratively the city is divided into 18 districts, located on both banks of the river. The historic center, the old town and the modern central areas are located on the west bank of the river, here we are concentrated all the major attractions.
There is a very beautiful legend associated with the foundation of the city. According to her, the name of Warsaw includes two names Warsch and Sava. Warsch – a young boy-fisherman who once met on the Vistula River Sava beautiful mermaid. As instituted in all legends, they love each other, but they could not be together, because belonged to different worlds, so they were together after death. In honor of the couple and was named the city, even the mermaid is depicted on the emblem of Warsaw and is one of the symbols of the city.
There is another version of the story of the origin of the capital of Poland. A certain Prince Casimir once lost in the dense forest while hunting. After wandering a bit, he came to the banks of the Vistula River, where there was a fishing hut. Going there, he saw a fisherman happy family, one that just had two beautiful babies. The parents decided to name their Warsch and Sava. Prince Casimir became their godfather, and in gratitude for the hospitality and the honor bestowed godfather family fisherman. With this money, the fisherman built a new solid house, and around it were built over time, and the other fishermen. Thus, and founded a small town called Warsaw.
But all the legends and history that for many centuries are so closely intertwined that already quite difficult to tell where the truth and fiction. In fact, the city is not less beautiful than the legend of its foundation. To visit all the sights and enjoy them you hardly enough a few days. For each such place you need to experience each attraction keeps a history of the past days and can tell you a lot.
Main attractions
From the XIV century Poland, in particular, and Warsaw, began to take a very serious place in the religious life of the whole of Europe. This contributed to the fact that in Warsaw a lot of churches, churches, town halls and other monuments of religious architecture.
The most significant is considered to be the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, built in 1900 and once considered the tallest building in the city; Cathedral of Mary Magdalene, built in 1869; Catholic Church of the Sacred St.Martinian; Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, built in 1867. This is not an exhaustive list, and each of these churches and cathedrals have a beautiful architecture and an interesting history.
But the capital of Poland is famous not only religious places, so the next section of your excursion may well be the “palaces of Warsaw.” It may be noted Czapski Palace, the Palace of Ostrog, Ujazdowski Castle and many other interesting sights. The architecture of the city brought together very different styles and periods that perfectly clear when visiting the various Warsaw residences, palaces and castles. Each of them has its own, flavor, its own character, but among all the features I want to draw your attention to the famous Royal Palace.
Palace rightly called the heart of Warsaw’s old, it is located on the beautiful Castle Square in the historic center of the city. This castle was built at the turn of XVI – XVII centuries (more precisely, somewhere between the years 1596 and 1620) on the orders of Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismund Vasa. Before you build the palace itself, he ordered the construction of a special exaltation that at first glance it was clear that this is the most magnificent building in Warsaw. Form elevations was similar to pentagon, which then built himself a royal palace. During the Second World War the palace was completely destroyed, but since 1971 have been conducted large-scale restoration works, and today the palace is almost completely restored. Also in the building of the palace is a museum of art where you can see paintings by Rembrandt and Bellotto.
Warsaw – a city with a truly severe, tragic story, accompanied by numerous wars, looting, fires and destruction. It is hard to imagine that some decades ago on the neat houses, palaces and castles old town lay the ruins left by German troops. Citizens with infinite love again rebuilt the city, and now everyone can enjoy the beauty of the Polish capital. For a long time, Warsaw was under strong Soviet influence, so Russian tourists this town is often represented “home abroad”, calling in the soul of the warmest feelings.
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